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New Gambling Idea

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 8:48 pm
by Duck
I need a cool name for a new gambling technique I came up with (currently called Duck's Crafting).
The rules are simple, two people trade the house (the person hosting) a craft-able hat pr craft-able misc. Depending on the who traded first, 8 classes are picked, one at a time. The house will then craft them together making a random hat or misc, and whoever had chosen the class it's for will recieve the hat/misc. Multi-class hats will be quickly decided ownership by a first to one spycrab match. If the unchosen class get's crafted for, the house will recieve the prize.


Let's have two guys and Steve and Jim be our examples. Steve and Jim are interested in joining, so Steve trades Duck (me, cirrently the house) a craft hat, then Jim hears about it, so he trades Duck a craft misc. Since Steve traded Duck first, he gets the first class pick, and he picks Soldier, and then Jim picks Demo, Then Steve picks again untill 8 of the 9 classes are chosen. So now Steve has Soldier, Medic, Spy and Engie, the classes he has chosen, and Jim has the Demo, Pyro, Heavy, and Sniper. That means the house receives the Scout by default.

There are now 3 possible outcomes

1. A class-specific item is crafted. The owner of that class keeps the item, even if the house currently holds said class.

2. A all-class item is crafted. A spycrab will be held between Jim and Steve, first to spycrab loses.

3. A multi-class item is crafted. If it is for an odd number of classes, Steve or Jim will win the hat, dependent on who has more of the classes. If it's for an even number, the rules for example number two are held.

Comments on this new gambling system are welcome, and a better name is definatly needed