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My UNUSUAL Giveaway - /r/RandomActsOfTf2

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 3:15 am
by Anomaly
Giving away my 1-of-3 Electrostatic Soldier's Slope Scopers!

Details here.

Good luck, and have fun!

(Being a DISC-FF member will not increase your odds). <3

Re: My UNUSUAL Giveaway - /r/RandomActsOfTf2

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 5:02 am
by LewandaSillyFeathers
Not creating a Reddit account just for a hat give away. But thanks anyway. I also don't have mobile authenticator, but how would that effect you at all if it doesn't do a trade hold if you are getting free items?

Re: My UNUSUAL Giveaway - /r/RandomActsOfTf2

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 5:39 am
by Anomaly
LewandaSillyFeathers wrote:Not creating a Reddit account just for a hat give away. But thanks anyway. I also don't have mobile authenticator, but how would that effect you at all if it doesn't do a trade hold if you are getting free items?
Yeah, Reddit account is required, sorry. I thought it did trade hold those? I've never not had the authenticator so I don't know what being on the other side is like. Meh, I removed that from the post. Thanks!

Re: My UNUSUAL Giveaway - /r/RandomActsOfTf2

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 2:50 pm
by Abraham
If something is given to you when you dont have mobile authenticator, as long as youre not giving anything back, theres no hold.

Re: My UNUSUAL Giveaway - /r/RandomActsOfTf2

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 6:48 pm
by Fire
Very nice of you. If you are going to mention DISC-FF in your post would you mind linking to the Steam Group profile in case anyone is interested.

Re: My UNUSUAL Giveaway - /r/RandomActsOfTf2

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 9:00 pm
by Anomaly
Fire wrote:Very nice of you. If you are going to mention DISC-FF in your post would you mind linking to the Steam Group profile in case anyone is interested.

Linked. :lol:

Re: My UNUSUAL Giveaway - /r/RandomActsOfTf2

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 4:29 am
by LewandaSillyFeathers
Mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Maybe when I get home and am unlazy enough I'll create a Reddit account :) thanks bro!

Re: My UNUSUAL Giveaway - /r/RandomActsOfTf2

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 7:34 am
by Anomaly
LewandaSillyFeathers wrote:Mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Maybe when I get home and am unlazy enough I'll create a Reddit account :) thanks bro!

Reddit, you'll find, is much better when you remove the default subreddits (/r/funny, /r/the_donald, /r/adviceanimals) and use it strictly for news, videos, books, gaming, etc. The default /r/gaming is kind of shit but /r/truegaming exists. Also if you're a fan of shitposts and memelords like Fire and I, check out /r/tf2 or /r/truetf2 as well. I mostly use reddit for niche subreddits like paredolia, speed cubing, DIY stuff, and various other hobbies of mine. OH! There is also a nice /r/ASMR subreddit, I love that stuff.