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Hide Chatbox

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 5:25 pm
by kookie
Rather needed command for people who don't want to go through the trouble of muting the entire server, and people who join. Also works if you only want to hear voice but without reading chat.

Type this in your console: hud_saytext_time 0

This command changes the amount of time that text stays on your chatbox. Setting it to 0 makes it so text doesn't appear at all.

For those who hate how the text stays too long, but want to still read it, you can set the amount of seconds that the text stays displayed, by changing the number.

Example: hud_saytext_time 4 Will make the text display for only 4 seconds.

hud_saytext_time 1000 Will make the text stay on the screen for a 1000 seconds. (For those of you that hate that the text dissapears.

The default value is 12, if you want to change it back.

Hope this will helps at least some people.


Re: Hide Chatbox

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 10:09 pm
by Dongle
I don't think this as a good idea since most admins send out warnings via text and sometimes microphone. If anyone uses this command, no player should accuse an admin for punishing them unfairly.

Re: Hide Chatbox

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 4:14 am
by kookie
Dongle wrote:I don't think this as a good idea since most admins send out warnings via text and sometimes microphone. If anyone uses this command, no player should accuse an admin for punishing them unfairly.
You're right. However, I made this small post with the idea that this command would be used outside of the servers, as a general command. Anyone who uses it inside the Disc-FF servers and who mutes an admin via chat knows what they're doing. They shouldn't have an excuse saying "I didn't see him type it." or something along those lines. :|

Re: Hide Chatbox

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 4:37 pm
by Bench
I agree with both points from kookie and Dongle. I always felt that 12 seconds was too long to display text chat so I reduced it to 9. Also, I found that if you are an admin and are muted; the banner type messages, that don't show up in the text chat but rather across the screen, are seen by all players, including the muted ones.

Re: Hide Chatbox

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 7:50 pm
by kookie
Bench wrote:Also, I found that if you are an admin and are muted; the banner type messages, that don't show up in the text chat but rather across the screen, are seen by all players, including the muted ones.
That's pretty neat in my opinion. Nice! :grin: