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Voice Chat Moderation Suggestion

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 4:03 pm
by bumpikids3
Sometimes when I'm playing on a server (and I'll admit, I'm guilty of this as well), some people just keep constantly talking to themselves like it's some sort of youtube let's play channel and constantly talk over each other. My suggestion is to add in a "usage meter" on voice chat, meaning you can only talk when you have meter, and when you begin to use it up it encourages you to not spam your microphones where everyone has to listen to you. It will passively regenerate when not being used, so people don't have to have a limited supply, use it up, and then wait for it to come back. But for those who do use up the entire bar, they will have to wait for it to go back completely to full before they can talk on mic again. This doesn't go for text chat, where they can text instead of spamming mic.

Re: Voice Chat Moderation Suggestion

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 10:11 pm
by Mitch
This is something i had written for murder, but when testing it was either completely useless or so annoying every one complained.

Re: Voice Chat Moderation Suggestion

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 1:19 am
by Faiithe
Lol, bumpi I know who you're talking about (especially on Freak). They're not micspamming somewhat, but they're borderline talking to themselves because no one is even talking back to them or paying them attention. I've told these people time and again to not talk so much, and they sometimes listen but then go back at it again

Re: Voice Chat Moderation Suggestion

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 1:46 am
by Rigby!
Children seek attention, and you really can't force them to learn not to. (And since children are such a large majority for the servers you really can't enforce a rule/system like this)

Re: Voice Chat Moderation Suggestion

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 1:51 am
by Atomicbunny
I mean this in the most respectful way possible bumpikid, but that would never work. The annoyance it would pose when having a discussion or conversation would be agonizing. So, even if it was implemented in an effective way, it would sorta be punishing the people who talk normally. Just client mute people who do this, problem solved.

Re: Voice Chat Moderation Suggestion

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 1:55 am
by Varple
Isn't this type of plugin on G-Mod?

Re: Voice Chat Moderation Suggestion

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 2:10 am
by FawfulRoach
While this does sound good on paper, I would have to agree with the others and say that I don't really think this would translate well. Some regulars on the server use the mic to have harmless conversations while no one else is talking to name one instance. As long as people aren't actively talking over each-other extensively on the microphone and interrupting those talking first, clientside is usually the best option if you are annoyed with them.

Re: Voice Chat Moderation Suggestion

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:10 am
by bumpikids3
Another suggestion was by another player for "one person on at the mic at a time", I have no idea on the specifics, but thanks for the input, I don't think we really need a Moderation option like the one I suggested. I do wish tf2 had volume adjustment for players however, as sometimes I do want to listen to said players but sometimes they just get too into it. Thank you all for your input.