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Complaint/Suggestion for the x10 Natasha loadout

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 11:37 pm
by Wesley
On x10 there are a lot of overpowered weapons and load outs you can use to rise through the ranks. But there's one thing they have in common that the Natasha doesn't, balance. There is no way to counter act a Natasha heavy without dying, changing class, or with a pocket medic. The gun itself is a god tier weapon, but paired with the fists of steel and Dalokas bar makes the user invincible.

I propose we change the Dalokas bar so it gives the user 600 hp, and the fists of steel so the heavy is vulnerable to fire attacks *Fists of steel prevents any type of damage but melee* . The Natasha should have a slight damage reduction, and shouldn't give the user health per bullet or at least have that health stat reduced.

Joining the server just to get spawn camped by three Natasha heavies is a massive turn off. So although it annoys me, I believe it could increase the servers population numbers and double the amount of regulars. Obviously these are just words, so I formed a sort of petition of people that agree with my points and ideas.

Here's the group link:

I would just put a poll, but the majority of the users on x10 don't have accounts to vote on. So this is a more convenient way of voting.

Re: Complaint/Suggestion for the x10 Natasha loadout

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 2:41 pm
by NerfPlayeR135
I haven’t played x10 in a while, but when I did play there would always be at least one person who used the “Natascha Combo” and couldn’t be taken down without an excessive amount of effort. If you know when to switch between the Natascha and the Fists of Steel, you essentially become invincible with very little effort. It doesn’t help that the loadout nullifies the Heavy’s two main counters - Spy and Sniper - by making him immune to all non-debuff, non-melee damage and allowing him to outrun Spies trying to backstab him.

Now, I know there will always be people that defend the combo. Humans are naturally drawn to anything that gives them power, and often go to extreme lengths to maintain that power - it’s basic psychology.

But if Valve, despite all of their screwups, was still smart enough to nerf the Dead Ringer and Ambassador - two weapons that were seen by many as overpowered beforehand - then why can’t Disc-FF do the same?

Re: Complaint/Suggestion for the x10 Natasha loadout

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 12:26 am
by broman007
I've already addressed this complaint multiple times, but I'm glad you guys are being organized about this. I will say what I have always said about this.

The Natascha loadout may be "overpowered" for some people, but there are multiple ways to counter it:
  • A fully charged sniper shot with the machina will instantly kill the heavy while they do not have the fists of steel out
  • A spy with the normal invis watch can easily backstab the heavy while they are distracted (or even while they are walking by the spy)
  • Another Natascha heavy loadout (fight fire with fire)
  • Ambassador spy headshots, sniper huntsman headshots, crits, direct hit shots
This is just to name a few ways to counter them. Just because a loadout can't be countered by the class you are currently playing, doesn't mean there are minimal ways to kill them. These ways have been used on me when I use the loadout, and I use these counters as well.
I understand if you do not want to change your mind, but perhaps this can be some food for thought.

Re: Complaint/Suggestion for the x10 Natasha loadout

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:45 am
by Wesley
It's not my mind that needs changing, it's everyone who agrees with me. Not everybody can perfectly land multiple headshots without dying. The point of playing on a silly community server like x10 is to have fun. Not to spend all day buying these items for the remedies you produced, or waiting until the heavy decides to take out his fists.
I still feel that nerfing this load out will help the server and community tremendously. Me and the others minds have not been changed by this, we already understand that there are more than a few ways to take out a Natasha heavy.

Re: Complaint/Suggestion for the x10 Natasha loadout

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:13 am
by Fire
I've updated the Fists of Steel.

-You can't take damage except from melee weapons.
-Melee weapons 1 shot you.
-Your weapons take 5 seconds to holster.
-You can't be overhealed or get health from healers with the fists out.
-I removed the added speed bonus while this weapon was in your loadout.

This might be a tad overkill but I'm willing to hear feedback. It should fix the issue of the heavy combo being too OP though hopefully.

Re: Complaint/Suggestion for the x10 Natasha loadout

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:15 am
by Wesley
Thank you