Freak Fortress #1 Toxic flammer

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Freak Fortress #1 Toxic flammer

Post by Feedmadcat »

Your in-game name: Anime is KILLING America
Your in-game Steam Community Link:

Rulebreaker's Steam Community Link:

Server on which the rulebreaking occured: Freak Fortress #1

Witnesses: ihop

Proof: Player chatlog:

DesireDrive chat messages have been nothing but toxic and violating Rule #1. He repeatably insults other players, and not in the playful banter kind of way. He posted a website link on June 5th, and also a bunch of inflammatory phrases like:

"lgbt want abortions because they cant handle responsibilities"
"racism doesnt exist"
"just kill all these rioters"

I believe he is trying to get a rise out of people. Take care to notice the frequency of his insults by looking at the timestamps. These aren't just one off comments, sometimes he sends them multiple times per minute. He's only had two relatively short server sessions (June 5th and June 9th), but he'll easily average sending a comment every minute, most of them being insults.

Despite his short history with Freak Fortress #1, it's painfully obvious when he's on. Unless he agrees to change his behavior, I don't think his continued presence will be good for our community. Thank you for your time.
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Re: Freak Fortress #1 Toxic flammer

Post by Darkone2e »

Player has been banned 3 days. Lock pls.