Reviewing Applications

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Reviewing Applications

Post by Fire »

This is how applications will be processed:

The first week of every month I or Phantom will hold an admin vote. Anyone who has a application posted before the 15th of of the previous month will be added to the voting list (all others will have to wait until the next vote).


If you post a admin application on January 15th you will get added to the voting list the first week in February.

If you post a admin application on Jan 16th you will get added to the voting list the first week in March.

The applicant must maintain at least 32 hours of gaming per week, and be active on the server they have applied for. You must also understand, follow all of the rules listed on the server, and possess special qualities that make you different from others.

During this time all current admins of that server, including myself, will be watching you closely. At the end of the trial period there well be a vote from all admins on the server you applied for.

In order to receive trial admin, you may not have more than one admin disapprove of your application.

In order to receive admin, every admin of that server must approve of your application.

I reserve the right to stop taking applications at any time. I reserve the right to promote someone early if I see them doing well.

Frequently I see applicants with the bare minimum requirements, not bothering to do anything else. Frequently I'm asked on what I look for in an admin. You must meet the basic requirements, which is a given, but everything else is truly up to you. You need to show me what kind of admin you will be.

The information above is subject to change.