Last edited: July 2014
1.) No Spamming. Excessive posting and blatant spamming will result in a ban and deletion of thread/response.
2.) No trolling. Troll posts will be deleted and the poster will be punished if this behavior continues.
3.) No Flaming. Debating is one thing, but constant arguing and bickering will be dealt with. Posters that continue this behavior will be banned.
4.) No Derailing. Posts that cause a thread to go off topic or contribute nothing towards the discussion will be deleted. If the poster continues this behavior they will be banned.[This includes posts such as "LOL" or "+1"]
5.) No NSFW (Not Safe For Work) material. It will be deleted immediately and the poster will be banned.
6.) No advertising. Any form of advertisement will be deleted and the poster will be banned. [Give-away and event promotion posts that do not directly relate to DISC-FF are only to be posted with permission from a moderator.]
7.) No Shock Links. They will be removed and the poster will be banned.
8.) Do not post any personal information. Be it your own or someone else's.
9.) Necro-posting (Bumping an dead/old thread that is no longer relative) will result in a ban.
All global rules apply.
1.) Do not haze new users. Make them feel welcome.
-Off Topic
All global rules apply.
1.) Funny picture threads and other more comedy related threads belong in Comedy Central.
2.) No begging threads.
-Comedy Central
All global rules apply.
1.) If you want to make a "Funny picture thread" Consult the Funny Picture Mega thread.
2.) Hate threads are not allowed.
All global Rules apply.
-Hardware and Advice
All global Rules apply.
1.) All Help/Tech support threads go here.
All global Rules apply.
1.) Any and all artistic pieces that users wish to share go here.
2.) No hate or flaming. All criticism should be constructive and thoughtful.
3.) No sarcastic pieces of "art" that were thrown together in 5 seconds on MS Paint for attention.
4.) Pornographic art is not permitted unless in good taste

5.) No posting other people's art and claiming it as your own.
-CS:GO and TF2-
-Apply For Admin
All global rules apply.
1.) Read this thread before posting.
2.) Do not make more than one application. If you are applying for multiple servers list them under "Server I'm applying for"
3.) Do not post reaction/meme images in any thread on this board. Doing so will result in a ban.
-Report a player/Dispute a ban.
All global rules apply.
1.) Read this thread before posting
2.) Be polite and provide your information when appealing a ban.
3.) Do not post reaction/meme images in any thread on this board. Doing so will result in a ban.
-Complaints Suggestions
All global rules apply.
1.) Constructive criticism only. Shit posting, trolling, and flooding will not be tolerated.
-Trading/Item Discussion.
All global rules apply.
1.) No begging.
-CS:GO and TF2-
All global rules apply.
1.) Do not share anything posted on this board with those who do not have access.
2.) Do not post reaction/meme images in any thread on this board. Doing so will result in a ban.
-Application votes
All global rules apply.
1.) Do not share anything posted on this board with those who do not have access.
2.) Do not post reaction/meme images in any thread on this board. Doing so will result in a ban.
3.) In threads posted here follow the directions given by Fire.
All global rules apply.
1.) Do not share anything posted on this board with those who do not have access.
2.) Do not post reaction/meme images in any thread on this board. Doing so will result in a ban.
3.) Read this thread before posting
4.) No Flaming/Hate. Any blatant trolling or hate will be removed and the poster will be banned.