Permanant Ban Appeal

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Permanant Ban Appeal

Post by tuna »

Your Steam Community Link:
Your Steam ID: 76561198145908606

Which Admin Punished You: Zethy
Type of punishment(ban, mute, silence or gag): Ban
Server where you received the punishment: Murder Mystery

How long they punished you for: Permanant

Reason why they punished you: Evading punishment

Reason why you think this punishment is unfair/uncalled for/biased, etc. I received my ban as I was gagged for spamming binds (around 8 if I remember correctly.) in dead chat, then changed my name to "arent you supposed to get warned first". At the time of my ban I did not agree that my ban was fair as the bind spam had no impact towards the game, it was early on into the round and not many other people were dead. However now I do agree that it could be seen as evading punishment.

Reason why we should remove the punishment: My ban was received over a year and a half ago, since then my behaviour has changed a lot and I have matured greatly as a person. I played on this server a lot in the months I was there and had a lot of fun there, and I would love to be able to go back and play it again.
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Re: Permanant Ban Appeal

Post by Fire »

After reviewing your appeal and talking with Zethy I have decided to lift your ban. Please don't break our rules again as it may result in the ban being placed back. Thank you.